Make a Donation
You can help out with NetStumbler in a number of ways. The most efficient way
is to send me money via PayPal by clicking on the PayPal image below. The
money I receive this way goes towards my ongoing web hosting fees, towards buying
hardware and software that isn't yet supported by NetStumbler, and other
costs that I incur by making this software available to you.
Commercial and Government users
If you are a commercial or government user, you can help too!
Please check back soon for online purchase order information.
Offer to be a download mirror
Since I released NetStumbler 0.4, my bandwidth usage has
increased drastically. If you can give me some web space with SSH/SCP shell access
and preferably PHP too, I would like to hear from you. The more mirrors I have, the better.
My email address is in the NetStumbler about box and
in the image at the bottom right corner of this page.
Buy stuff at Amazon
If you click on the image below to get to Amazon, I receive a small
percentage commission on most things that you buy there.

Buy me stuff
You can pick things off my
Amazon Wish List and have them sent to me. The wireless gear is mostly
for testing future versions of NetStumbler and MiniStumbler, but you can send me
anything else you see there.